Acne treatment in Vernon: Two procedures and three surprising tips to give you a beautiful complexion
Acne is a serious skin condition that affects men and women of all ages. It can be particularly devastating in the teen years and when acne is so severe it leaves permanent scars. Acne can be graded in severity from 1-4. Grade 1 acne is characterized by white heads and black heads as well as a few small red bumps called papules. Acne is considered grade 4 when there are deep cysts, numerous pustules and scarring. Grade 2 and 3 acne lies in the middle of the severity spectrum. Sometimes acne is the result of an underlying hormonal abnormality which requires medical evaluation by a trained physician. At sanders Medical we look at the underlying causes of your acne and work with you to devise a treatment plan that works for you.
Treatments options for mild acne include topical treatments such as benzoyl peroxide, retinoic acid, glycolic acid, salicylic acid and topical antibiotics. More severe acne may require oral antibiotics, birth control if you are a woman and isotretinoin (Accutane). Other acne treatment options include photodynamic therapy and certain chemical peels. Also the role of diet and stress must be considered.
At our Vernon skin care treatment centre your skin health is important to us. Getting expert medical advice and the appropriate medical treatment is important to achieving acne-free skin.
Two of the top adult acne treatments:
- Chemical Peels use a unique blend of gentle exfoliating agents to remove layers of old, dead skin, leaving your face smoother and more radiant in just 20 minutes. Plus, you’ll enjoy vibrant skin even beyond the treatment area.
- Photodynamic therapy (PDT)/ Levulan smooths and rejuvenates your skin when specific wavelengths of light photoactivate a medication called Levulan.